9 Unbelievable Ways To Use Bread


Summer is a wonderful time for rest and walks in the fresh air. You don’t need a lot of clothes, we choose maximally open shoes that are comfortable and not hot to walk in. However, the legs are not always ready for such an open demonstration: in winter and spring, they are often “decorated” with calluses and abrasions, which are not easy to remove without leaving marks.
It is in this case that the trick with a piece of bread can help. In order to fully reveal the mysterious properties of bread, here are 9 more tips on where to use bread.

1. Bread from calluses

In the winter, the legs are always covered in socks, in the spring they are stuck in tight shoes, which often rub calluses and blisters. All these factors often lead to skin roughness and flaking, it becomes unattractive, so it’s not so nice to wear open sandals or sandals in the summer. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem, and all the necessary tools are usually found in every home. It’s bread, apple cider vinegar, and plastic wrap.

In order to get rid of leg skin imperfections faster, first of all, you need to soak a piece of bread in apple cider vinegar. After that, the vinegar-soaked bread should be added to the problem area, and then the leg and the bread should be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. Such a compress should be left for the whole night. In the morning, you will be pleasantly surprised by the view of your feet: you can remove the remains of calluses with a dry towel, and there will be no calloused areas, only soft, pleasant skin. After the compress, the feet should be washed with plain water. Now you can boldly wear open sandals without complications.

2. First aid in the event of a splinter

Bread will also help in solving another unpleasant problem – a font that has gotten under the skin. This trick is especially suitable in cases where the pattern is small, or when it has broken off under the skin and it is practically impossible to extract it with the usual means – a needle or tweezers. In this case, you need to take a slice of black bread, sprinkle it liberally with salt, chew it thoroughly and roll it into a small ball. This ball should be added to the affected area, secured with a patch and bandaged to hold it in place. Such a homemade compress should be left overnight. After unwrapping the bandage in the morning, it usually turns out that the foreign body has left the skin by itself. Then the skin should be disinfected and wrapped with a clean bandage.

3. Fresh cake

Homemade baked goods are very tasty, especially if they are freshly made and have not yet lost their fluffiness and aroma. However, if you cut off one piece of cake or pie, it will start to dry out in the place where it was cut and will gradually lose its excellent properties. To prevent this from happening, you need to add a slice of white bread to each cut and fasten it with toothpicks – this way the cake or pie will stay fresh for a very long time, whether you keep it in the refrigerator or on the table.

4. To remove the kebabs from the skewer

When you need to remove the hot kebabs from the skewer, it is good to have at least a couple of slices of bread on hand. It will be much easier and simpler to push the hot, burning meat to the plate with them. Bread is better than a fork in this case, because it allows you to push the whole meat off the skewer at once, instead of one piece at a time. And bread with absorbed meat juices and fat will be a delicious snack for the main course.

5. Clean coffee grinder

A slice of bread can help effectively remove ground coffee or powdered sugar residue. Place in a coffee grinder and grind. The soft structure of the bread will absorb all the residues and the coffee grinder will remain sparkling clean.

6. Delicious boiled corn

Boiled corn tastes best while it’s hot. But what if they burn your fingers and cause discomfort? When you want to rub salt or butter on the cooked corn on the cob, you will protect your fingers from the heat with a slice of bread. This way you can enjoy a delicious treat without burning your fingers.

7. Burnt rice is not a problem

If the rice has stuck to the bottom, a slice of fresh bread will help get rid of the unpleasant burning smell. It should be placed on the rice and covered with a lid. After waiting 15 min. you will see that the bread has absorbed all the unpleasant smells.

8. Help cutting onions

In order not to shed tears when cutting onions, you need a slice of bread. Before cutting spicy vegetables, bite into a slice of bread with your teeth and hold it – it won’t hurt your eyes.

9. If the soup is too fatty

Sometimes soup suffers from too many calories. An excessively fatty dish can be “corrected” by adding a slice of fresh bread to the soup – it will absorb excess fat in just a few minutes.

Helps preserve freshness Bread is a great help in preserving the freshness of some products. Placing bread and other products such as marshmallows or baked goods in a container or container will keep them fresher for longer.


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