5 Tips For An Energetic Day Start


If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning and are too lazy to get up, pay attention to these 5 tips. They will give you energy and help you start the day cheerfully.

Prepare for the morning in the evening

Create a cozy atmosphere in the room to make it pleasant to fall asleep and sleep. Let a pleasant twilight remain in the room. Make your bed, let the bedding be clean and smell nice, and the blanket is not too thick or too thin.

Practice these yoga asanas to relax your muscles, release tension, and calm your mind: Upavishtha Konasana, Baddha Konasana, Viparita Karani, Balasana.

Listen to your body

It will always tell you how much sleep you need. Watch if 8 hours of sleep is enough for you, or maybe even too much. Then adjust your sleep according to your needs.

If you have trouble falling asleep, drink a soothing herbal tea in the evening, read a book, do something pleasant and monotonous, or use yoga asanas: Uttanasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Shavasana.

Become your own alarm clock

This is possible if you constantly lie down and get up at the same time. If not, then it will take some time to get used to it. If you wake up in the morning and don’t want to sleep anymore, even though it’s still early, get up, go spend time with yourself, don’t try to fall asleep for another hour. When you create an acceptable sleep rhythm for yourself, you will wake up in the morning without an alarm clock.

When you wake up, take a deep breath

Don’t look for your phone, tablet or computer as soon as you wake up. Just lie still and take calm, deep breaths. It will help you to feel the moments of the present. Conscious breathing will protect against stress and unnecessary thoughts.

Conscious breathing will help you feel your body and what is happening around you. Also, focus on your breathing several times a day, stop, listen to yourself, and stay alert.

Fill yourself with energy

Try the Surya Namaskar yoga complex in the morning to warm up your body and restore muscle stiffness. You can also supplement the practice with the following asanas: Bhujangasana, Virabhadrasana II, Ardha Matsyendrasana, and Marjariasana-Bitilasana.

After training, prepare a simple and quickly digestible breakfast: fruits, smoothies, porridge, etc.



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