We think more about physical diet than about mental diet, despite the fact that the latter is much more important. Why? If you clear your brain of junk, you will be able to make much more effective decisions. All thoughts are essentially food for the mind. Mental detoxification is the restriction of thoughts that cause negative emotions and their replacement with others that give a sense of peace. The activity of our bodies is based on nutrition, the food we feed the body with. The mind is no different in this sense. Everything in our lives is determined by our thinking – what we thought in the past brought us to where we are now.

The essence of the diet is this: for seven days you will filter your thoughts very carefully. You will try to refrain from negative thoughts, even if you really want to and there will be many reasons to plunge into negativity. If you are ready to take on this challenge, read on.


Three rules

The first. For seven days you must not live with negative thoughts and emotions. Here’s what it’s all about:

  • Thoughts that make you angry or upset;
  • Envious thoughts;
  • Thoughts that make you feel tense or anxious;
  • Thoughts that make you feel inferior or insecure;
  • Thoughts of sadness and despair;
  • Negative thoughts about yourself, about others, or about the circumstances in which you find yourself;
  • Thoughts that cause regret about the past or fear about the future.

Negative thinking is when you live with thoughts of failure, disappointment, or unpleasantness. Any critical or envious thoughts, anger, condemnation of others or self, thoughts of illness and accidents. Simply put, this is pessimistic thinking.

Note that the rule does not say that you cannot have negative thoughts and emotions, but that you will not live with them. You can rarely control the first thoughts that pop into your head, but you can control the next.


The second. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, you need to quickly switch your focus to something else. Here are the steps you can take:


  • Simply telling yourself “Stop!” to stop the flow;
  • Acknowledging that you have negative thoughts and then letting them drift through your mind like clouds floating across the sky. Just let them swim;
  • Turn your attention elsewhere. You can read, do physical exercises, work on intellectual tasks, take a walk with an optimistic friend, turn on music;
  • Change perspective. Ask yourself, “Is this true?” and “Could it be interpreted differently?”
  • Go into troubleshooting mode. If negative thoughts arise, take the necessary steps to eliminate the cause.
    Find at least a few positive moments in every situation.

The third. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t switch your thoughts quickly and get stuck in a cycle of negativity. Try to focus on more powerful positive thoughts. Keep in mind that when it comes to changing habits, your brain will manipulate you. It is normal. The mind will deceive you and create illusions. All this needs to be taken into account.


Four tips; They will help you successfully complete your mental detox

Intentions. Set a clear intention each morning to control your negative thoughts throughout the day. Say to yourself every morning, or better yet, write the following:

  1. I will keep a close eye on what I think today;
  2. Today I will venture only useful thoughts;
  3. Today I will challenge the negative thoughts that have appeared and replace them with positive ones;
  4. Today, when I start going through problems, I immediately switch my focus to finding a solution.

Meditation. It will help divert attention from thoughts. As you keep track of what you’re thinking, you can ask the following questions:

  • Are they correct?
  • Are they useful for me?
  • Did I consciously choose them?
  • What thoughts fill the mind with peace and joy?

Confirmation. Repeat the following to yourself:

  • I can consciously control what I think;
  • My thoughts do not control me. It is I who control thoughts;
  • I can change what I’m thinking about at any time;
  • I can always choose different thoughts for myself;
  • I choose thoughts that serve me;
  • I train my mind to choose a different line of thinking when negative thoughts start to creep in;
  • I may not be able to control the first thought that pops into my head, but I can control the second and all subsequent ones.
  • I am slowly reprogramming my mind to think more positively.

Positive. Another way to get good results during the week is to devote a few minutes every morning to reading or watching something inspiring and motivating.


It can be:

  • Reading inspirational quotes;
  • Motivational video;
  • If you are religious, read the Bible or another sacred text.

Challenge yourself. It does not require any preparation, no special tools, just desire and awareness. The first results will appear in a few days, and you will understand that it is worth following your thoughts not for one week, but for the rest of the time.


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