Hugs Are Much More Useful Than They May Appear At First Glance


Hugs are much more useful than they may appear at first glance. Research has shown that hugs help people both psychologically and physically.


According to Louise Hay, we need four hugs a day to survive, eight to maintain vital activity, and twelve to grow and develop.

In the 1970s, scientists began to study chemical compounds – endorphins – that were found in the human circulatory and nervous systems. Endorphins are morphine-like substances that reduce pain and cause a feeling of euphoria. Research shows that the amount of these natural drugs produced by the brain and nervous system increases during hugs.

Psychologists claim that modern man lacks physical closeness with other living beings, whether it is a close person, a stranger, or just a cat. The absence of such an innocent, asexual contact deprives a person of the joy of life, forces him to lock himself in the cage of his personality, a person no longer feels a sense of closeness with other people and loses contact with reality.

There is an area in the brain that activates when a person’s skin is touched. Therefore, if a child does not receive hugs and touches while growing up, his brain and immune system are affected.

Hugs in early childhood give us the ability to love. Children who grow up without hugs before the age of 7 may not be able to love others at all. They often become psychopaths or sociopaths when they grow up, i.e. i.e. people who disagree with society and are prone to acts directed against society. They are also morbidly maladjusted to life.

More detailed studies confirm this startling discovery. Societies where people rarely hug each other are becoming increasingly aggressive. Neuropsychologist James William Prescott’s research data confirms that children who have not been held and carried in their arms and cared for tend to grow up to be murderers. Hugs bring joy and have a positive mental and physical effect not only on those who are hugged, but also on those who are hugging.


– Hugs strengthen the immune system;
-stimulates the central nervous system;
– improves sleep;
– gives strength;
– rejuvenates;
-reduces stress;
-increases the level of oxytocin, the hormone that relieves depression, and also lowers blood pressure (and thus the risk of heart disease);
-increases the level of hemoglobin, which strengthens the whole body, and immunity and accelerates healing after diseases;
-raises self-esteem;
-causes positive emotions;
– helps to get rid of inner fears, depression, feelings of loneliness.


In ancient Eastern treatises, hugs are described as a very important action for every person, which has a healing and rejuvenating effect. During hugs, masculine and feminine energy is exchanged. All creatures around us are waiting for our warmth and kindness.

Snuggle up to a loved one so that they can stop thinking about what is constantly going through their mind for a few seconds. Immerse yourself in his world, give him your silence and you will not be able to forget that feeling of mutual warmth and kindness for a long time.



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