Seth Shostak, chief astronomer at the SETI Institute, is willing to bet that we won’t find extraterrestrial life until 2036.

SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is the name given to efforts by scientists to find extraterrestrial life and make contact with it. The SETI Institute, a non-governmental non-profit organization, was founded in 1984 and, as you already understood, conducts research in this direction.


Seth Shostak, chief astronomer at the SETI Institute, is confident that we will find extraterrestrial intelligent life by 2036. This is a very important statement. Basically, this means that many readers of this article will experience this historic moment that will change everything. However, Shostak’s optimism is not related to research progress.


There are countless places left in the universe where we can look for intelligent life forms. And we don’t have more precise data on where we should put our cosmic ear. Shostak, of course, understands this. But his optimism is not about the information available, but the equipment available. Because progress in computing is very fast. The computers that search for signals sent by extraterrestrial life forms are constantly updated, doubling in power every two years. Figuratively speaking, this means that we can listen to more and more channels, and in one of them we will surely hear a clear signal sent by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization.


Shostak estimates that by 2036, the SETI Institute’s computers will have already listened to about a million star systems. The scientist claims that he has already made a bet with everyone over a cup of coffee – a million is the lucky number. In addition, more and more exoplanets are being discovered recently. Their research gives us some idea of the life forms that could exist there. Again, this will allow you to refine your search criteria in the future.


So, scientists believe that ever-improving computers will be able to scan the universe faster and more widely for intelligent life forms. In addition, computer simulations should help refine the search, as we will have a better understanding of what those signals should be. But whether Shostak is right, we will know only in 2036.


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