The most mysterious planet in the universe – Pluto

Pluto is the most mysterious planet in the universe. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, so it is undoubtedly the most mysterious planet, the energy of which can manifest itself in an infinite variety of ways for a person. Pluto is the last planet of the solar system, discovered only in 1930.

Not all astrologers use the distant planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; some deny the influence of these planets on man.


According to some astrologers, these planets are more felt by “experienced souls” who have already been reborn in human form with a higher level of soul development. Still other astrologers call this planet “universal evil” – as if a person ruled by Pluto has opened the gates to hell, so it’s only a matter of time before he himself burns in the fire of hell or burns others in it. The truth is that the more distant a planet is, the further it is from our Earth, the less we can feel the influence of this planet. Not every person will experience the unearthly sensations that this planet’s shade in the horoscope gives. The position of this planet in the birth chart is extremely important. It is worth paying attention when the planet Pluto makes aspects with personal planets (Sun, Moon) in the birth chart, as well as when Pluto is in I, VIII astrological houses.


Why housing I? Because the first astrological house shows our self, our personal qualities, our self-presentation to others.


Why VIII housing? Because the Pluto-ruled Scorpio is the eighth sign starting from the ascendant (first astrological house). This house is related to the depths of the subconscious and the ability to understand esoteric secrets.
Transit of Pluto in the 1st house


Not everyone will experience a Pluto transit in the 1st house.

It is very important to consider which house Pluto was in in your birth chart and what aspects it forms with other planets. Undoubtedly, the strongest impact of Pluto’s transit will be felt by those who have Pluto in the VIII house (especially in the sign of Scorpio) and in aspects with personal planets. The strongest Pluto will provide the most destructive energies of this planet and the resulting positive energies, because Pluto leads a person to deep internal transformations. This characteristic of his can be compared to the mythological character Phoenix: “At the end of its life cycle, the bird takes a nest made of cinnamon twigs, in which it burns itself. The nest and the bird turn to ashes, from which a new young phoenix emerges. The new bird collects the ashes of the old one in an egg made of myrrh and carries it to the city of Heliopolis (Greek for the city of the Sun) in Egypt.” (Quoted from “Wikipedia”, – ed.) It’s true that a person ruled by Pluto can burn himself up inside without anyone noticing, and like a Phoenix reborn again and again and again… Like the Phoenix, a person ruled by Pluto’s energy feels, that someone has come to an end, and that end can be extremely painful.

Thus, the transit of Pluto through the 1st house leads a person to the fact that he must give up everything that is “dead”.


Again, death here is not understood in a simple, earthly, primitive sense – it is the death of things that lead a person to no longer improve. In the symbolism of alchemy, the Phoenix represents the destruction of the changing materia prima and its rebirth in the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Similarly, with the energy of Pluto – this energy does not give opportunities to be interested in what is depicted on the surface, and is always looking for underwater currents, deeper meaning, explanation of secrets, disclosure of the “blackest strains”. As more than one person under the influence of Pluto has said – first I look for the worst in a person, the worst he could do to me, and then I decide whether to let him in or not…


Pluto also shows the need to control various situations and one’s life.


This is where all of Pluto’s standards come from in real life, but really they are just labels that are put on to make it easier for people to understand what it means. These are the following labels: “criminals”, “crimes”, “evil”, “sex”, “manipulation”, “death”, “magic”, “power”. “karma”, “destruction”. What do all these words have in common? Aren’t they all considered something bad? Don’t the words “will”, “transformation”, “suggestion”, “deep”, “meaningful” sound more beautiful? Can any labels be applied to what is bad and what is good at all? Evil is often intertwined with the concept of justice, and good with stupidity. However, the essential energy of Pluto is such that what is represented on the surface no longer has a place here. Pluto’s transit through the 1st house removes the “rose-colored glasses” from a person. True, the question remains of how big those glasses were before Pluto entered the first house. Maybe they were Barbie glasses, or maybe they only had pink rims in the eye area, or maybe it was just a dot that accidentally fell on them at some point in their lives… Pluto’s influence will be felt the most when it transits along the ascendant. Later you get used to its energy.

The traditional word “death” when talking about Pluto can mean that a person “smothers” something that no longer encourages him to continue on the path of life according to his true purpose in this life.

Often a person can intuitively feel this, but he is afraid of the pain caused by Pluto in a transformational period. Here, in the general scientific sense, it is stated that death is “an objective biological process that manifests itself in the irreversible cessation of the body’s vital activity and is characteristic of any individual biological system.” The “Bible” states: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Socrates said that: “No one knows whether death could become one of the greatest blessings, and people still fear it, as if they knew for sure that it is the greatest evil.” According to the philosopher, man consists of a body and an independent soul that thinks. The soul is best able to think when it is not disturbed by the body, when it has the least communication and intercourse with it. Such a state, namely complete liberation from the captivity of the body, is achieved by the soul only at the time of death. Since the most important goal of the philosopher is to love and seek the truth, this separation of the soul from the body is highly desirable. Hence, death is the good that provides the soul with the most favorable opportunities to reach the truth (according to Socrates). Looking through the prism of philosophy, it could be said that a person who has reached a higher level of philosophy and understanding of the world will realize during the transit of Pluto that he does not serve the body. He will realize that his body is just a physiological shell, in which there is a much deeper soul and an inner world full of undiscovered things. This perception shows that a person no longer serves earthly instincts, food, money, sexual life and all other things are no longer important to him. A person can go to the other side of the barricades – he begins to delve into his soul. He abstains from earthly things, he secures them only as much as is necessary for the maintenance of his physical body, but not for his service. It is also said that Pluto, traveling through the 1st house, forms an opposition to the axis of the 7th house, so such a transit can equally transform relationships with the entire outside world or with the people closest to you, say a life partner or spouse. Your attitude towards your long-term and new relationships may change, or your attitude towards people in general may change. So you yourself will change. And, as Socrates already mentioned: “No one knows whether death could become one of the greatest blessings, and people are still afraid, as if they really knew that it is the greatest evil.” So everything you will be able to “kill” the transit of Pluto through I housing, will later lead you to a different, completely unexperienced, bliss.


It can be said that each person will feel Pluto’s energy according to their level of development.


A person governed by the lowest instincts can feel this energy through fairly mundane things, for example, through sexual relations based only on animal instincts, or through communication, cooperation with the criminal world, manipulative games, drugs, etc. i.e. These are all mundane enough things that I don’t really want to talk about in this article, because usually those who are interested in astrology are already advanced far beyond these things. That is why it is said that Pluto reveals the world through the prism of the gates of hell; and this can mean both the physical (things mentioned earlier) and the spiritual level. On a spiritual level, a person begins to see the world as not as beautiful as it seemed to him before. Often, in order to understand the environment, one has to experience painful experiences, encounters with Plutonian-type persons or situations that force one to change forever. The word “forever” emits a sufficiently destructive and frightening energy, but it all boils down to the same thing – something inside you dies only to be renewed.

The traditional word “sex” that describes Pluto can be transformed to a completely different level here.


The most appropriate example would be “tantric” sex. Tantric sex is a sexual practice associated with the esoteric tradition of tantrism in India, during which sexual energy is transformed into spiritual energy. So having the planet Pluto in your birth chart is quite different from transforming yourself during the transit of this planet. With this planet in your birth chart, of course, you may also have to face situations in life that require change. In addition, the planet in the birth chart will always feel more. And something completely different is the transit of Pluto through the 1st house – at this time, you may have to change suddenly or face painful situations, because the transit of Pluto shows nothing else, but the possible change of a person in a completely different direction – to what he himself may never have been did not expect from himself.


Next the word “karma”


Wikipedia defines this term as follows: “Karma, in mythology and ethnic Indian religions, refers to actions, including religious ones, that lead to subsequent rewards.” The most common definition of karma is that it is the sum total of good and bad deeds done in a person’s previous lives that determine his fate in future lives. So, of course, Pluto in the 1st house will give a person the opportunity to understand these life laws. And again, this manifestation can be individual for everyone. One person will believe in the laws of past lives, while the other will try to find explanations in this life. It should be emphasized that the human mind tends to accept answers favorable to it, so if it does not find explanations in this life, it will look for them in the past. It also depends on the person’s birth horoscope, since a more earthy type of person will choose the first option, while a horoscope influenced by more water signs will seek even deeper explanations. It is also important that a common person understands only what science explains, especially if a person is a “scientist” by nature. For such extremely down-to-earth people, Pluto’s energy can be even more destructive, as typical Plutonians are often extremely categorical, and the principles of the universe will surely want to prove to them the collapse of their self-created egos over and over again. So, in a simple sense, “karma” here can refer to such easy-to-understand laws as: “I would certainly never serve anyone else”; “how can one live like this, supported by a husband?”; “how weak a person is if he cannot live alone”; “I will definitely not give birth to children”; “working only for money is pointless” etc. i.e. All such statements can come back like a boomerang and you will be more aware than ever of the sayings “judge not and you will not be judged” or: “never say never”, “don’t dig a hole for someone else, because you yourself will fall into it”, etc. i.e. Folk wisdom didn’t come out of nowhere! The universe presents its laws, and such a period will undoubtedly give you the opportunity to realize that you are not the absolute ruler of your life.


Another word is “magic”

Oh no, you can’t use magic, especially “black” magic… Yes, there are a lot of myths associated with this word as well. Do not violate the will of another person. Everything. If this has happened, Pluto will provide an opportunity to feel the consequences. All other possible processes in this concept can also mean that you will visualize your wishes, use neurolinguistic programming techniques, ask the universe for help (it doesn’t matter if it’s the universe or God – the essence is the same). And through it all, you might feel your “power”. Yes, you will definitely get what you want, but you will not appreciate what you will have to give up for it. For example, you’ll want a “bag of money” and you’ll get it, but it might cost you years of nursing a dying grandpa. Or, let’s say you want the “perfect” man and you get him, but later you will face various situations where you will start asking – did I really want this? Or maybe you will want to shine on stage and you will get it, but then you will have to ask yourself – are you able to withstand the ridicule of society? No other planet gives a person a sense of self-worth when he sees himself above others; this is a typical manifestation of this planet. A Plutonian’s goal is often even an endless thirst to become powerful and invincible, so a completely traditional manifestation of Pluto in the 1st house would be the need to manipulate others – but only those whom the person sees as weaker than him. Stronger ones are often feared, they don’t want to give in, but their tactics and techniques are secretly studied. So the word “magic” here is quite vague, because it is actually such a period of trials, when a person may have to realize that, unfortunately, each of us is just a small cog in the mechanism of civilization. There are situations we can change, but there are situations where we can only change our attitude. It is the realization that you are just a puppet in someone else’s hands. It is the realization that you are just a robot created by a computer system, following someone else’s instructions. It is the realization that you are simply an “earthworm” who will all sink back into the earth just as they emerged from it.


I used quite vivid metaphors in my writing, which can be intimidating. Yes, Pluto is intimidating. These are fears hidden in the shell of strengths… These are unfamiliar fears, so you may have to get to know them during the period of Pluto’s action. People often get what they don’t want, what they fear, what they don’t understand, what they don’t know, just so that they can improve further. Pluto leads to a relatively high sense of meaninglessness, because then a person is not interested in what kind of wardrobe the neighbor bought or what the commentators think about the world champion. It is a stage of stronger sensations, deeper transformations and transition to the next level, with which a person walks as if with bare feet through broken glass, with which a person burns himself as if on a stake, as in ancient times they burned everyone who was looking for a deeper meaning, with which a person sharpens a knife for himself and stabs it straight to the soul… The trials of Pluto are not for everyone – they are for those who, in some sense, have the ability to run up two flights of stairs (instead of one at a time) through pain at once…