Nostradamus’ Longevity Recipes

Nostradamus’ Longevity Recipes

In the southern part of France, not far from Cannes, the book of the great prophet Michel Nostradamus was found in the ruins of a monastery. In it, he also reveals the secrets of longevity.

This mysterious man, who predicted future historical events, such as the rise and fall of Napoleon, Hitler’s rise to power, and the communist regime in Russia, also reveals the secret of longevity. Scientists claim that the secrets of a healthy life lie in his culinary recipe manuscripts.

Dictated by Archangel Gabriel?

The amazing manuscript appeared 400 years ago. “Nostradamus testified that it was written at the dictation of the archangel Gabriel,” says American physician Franklin Owens. “We’ve always thought that he only prophesies dire events that await humanity and the planet, but it turns out that the scientist was also involved in many other things.”

“Nostradamus was well aware of the existence of free radicals, substances that gradually poison us,” says British nutritionist Brent Mulligan. – He also understood the destructive effects of stress, and the benefits of vitamins and minerals, which were unknown to doctors of his time.

What does Nostradamus suggest?

The clairvoyant suggested eating more garlic, other vegetables, and fruits, and less meat. This was during the period when dishes made from beef were highly valued, especially among wealthy people.

Here is a list of foods that Nostradamus believed to help maintain good health and prolong life: garlic, onions, oats, barley, pepper, fish, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cranberries, apples, and grapefruit.

To prevent diseases…

In order to prevent or get rid of diseases, it is necessary to include the appropriate products in the diet.

Sardines and trout help arthritis.

Asthma – foods rich in pepper, garlic, onion, mustard, and horseradish.

Aloe vera juice should be rubbed into the scalp twice a day.

Broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and kale are good for cancer prevention.

Oatmeal, oatmeal, and beans can help reduce blood cholesterol.

Peanuts, soybeans, pears, apples, and white beans help fight diabetes.

Heart diseases are treated by eating fish, garlic, ginger, melons, mushrooms, olive oil, and onions.

Oatmeal, fiber-rich fruits, and vegetables lower blood pressure.


Nostradamus’ Recipe Book

And here are some dishes from Nostradamus’ recipe book. Some of their components, it is true, are changed by nutritionists, taking into account what can actually be purchased in stores these days. The healing power of these dishes does not suffer from this.

Provence tomatoes

Two large tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, one cup of wheat bread crumbs, one tablespoon of fresh, finely chopped parsley, one small head of finely chopped onion, and three tablespoons of olive oil.

Heat the oven to 300 degrees. Cut the tomatoes in half horizontally. Mix breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley and onions. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place the resulting mixture on the tomato halves. Add one tablespoon of olive oil to the pot and add the tomatoes (mixture side up). Pour the remaining olive oil over the tomatoes and put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes. You can eat them both cold and hot.

Orange and carrot dessert

You need: 400 grams of finely chopped carrots, one orange cut into slices, one orange juice, one tablespoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of sugar, and eight dates cut into pieces.

Mix carrots and oranges with cinnamon, sugar, orange, and lemon juice. Cover the pot with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Before eating, pour off some of the accumulated liquid and sprinkle the dessert with pieces of dates.

Simple salad

You need: one bunch of lettuce, three large chopped tomatoes, one small chopped onion head, one finely chopped clove of garlic, 60 grams of olive oil, 30 grams of water, and 150 grams of vinegar.

Cut the head of lettuce into eight pieces and add to the salad bowl. Then add the tomatoes and onion. Mix oil, water, vinegar and garlic and pour this mixture over the vegetables.



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