Special Points On Our Body That Remove Anger And Pain


The Chinese found that when certain points on the body were stimulated, a person could be healed and made to feel better.

The method, which was started in ancient China, is now extremely common due to its wide range of action. This article introduces us to two special points that remove anger and reduce pain and fatigue.

A point on the finger of the hand that removes bad feeling

If you feel very bad, press the point and hold it for a longer time (see photo). This method regulates blood pressure, normalizes the activity of the body, consciousness becomes clear, eyes “brighten”, all pains subside.

Although the point may seem very painful at the beginning, after a little patience the pain decreases and the general well-being of the whole body improves. The point is located on the pad of the first phalanx of the middle (big) toe.

After pressing, you need to hold it individually. One may have to hold for a minute, another for two, and yet another for all of five. But we press for no longer than 10 minutes. Do everything within reason and without causing yourself injury.


A point on the leg that removes anger

A daily 5-minute massage on the points of both feet will help to get rid of many diseases caused by the accumulation of negativity and anger. You will find the point between your thumb and the next finger before take off (see photo).

The point is very painful, so it is practically impossible to make a mistake in the search for the point.

These methods are really effective and time-tested. Most of the time, it is not possible to achieve the desired result only because people are pressing the wrong points.


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