Is there something there? Astronomers have detected the first radio signal coming from an exoplanet

For humanity to expand its knowledge not only about the immediate environment but also about the most remote corners of the Universe, every, even the weakest flash of information is important, writes “Science Alert”.

For example, cyclical dips in light from a star to Earth can give away the fact that a planet is orbiting those stars. And now, for the first time in the history of this science, astronomers have recorded a radio signal from such distant exoplanets.

Exoplanet Magnetic Field Detection Advances Astronomical Knowledge

“Observation of planetary aurora radio emissions is the most promising method to determine the existence of an exoplanet’s magnetic field. This knowledge will provide valuable insights into the planet’s internal structure, atmospheric dispersion, and suitability for life,” said Cornell University (USA) astronomer Jake Turner, whose latest scientific work was published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

When the solar wind—the stream of charged particles emanating from a star—reaches the magnetic field of a planet orbiting that star, the change in particle speed can be seen as a huge variety of radio signals.

The interaction between the Earth’s magnetic field and the solar wind, “translated” into a sound signal, sounds like the chirping of some extraterrestrial bird. Similar signals have been recorded on other planets of the Solar System.

Of course, to capture such chirping on a very distant exoplanet, one must first figure out how to silence the noise from Earth and other sources.

BOREALIS Project: Enhancing Precision by Reducing Noise

It was for this purpose that a few years ago scientists started the BOREALIS project. The capabilities of that program were tested with Jupiter signals. Calculations were also made of what the planet’s radio waves would look like if this gas giant were much further away.

Signals from exoplanets similar to this modeled Jupiter signal have already been detected this year, including radio wave activity from the presumed interaction between the wind of the star GJ 1151 and the magnetic field of the planet orbiting it, but this signal has not yet been confirmed by repeated observations.


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So, Mr. Turner and his colleagues decided to test the method they developed and, using the LOFAR (LOw-Frequency Array Radiotelescope) radio telescope belonging to the Netherlands, they observed three systems in which exoplanets are known from before: Cancer 55, Andromeda Ipsilon, and Jauciaganius Tau.

Only the Tau system, 51 light-years away, has recorded beeps in the radio wave frequency band that match scientists’ simulations of Jupiter’s “removal.” These signals were in the frequency range 14-21 MHz, with a standard deviation of 3.2 σ.

A hot Jupiter-type exoplanet located in the twin Taurus Tau system was observed back in 1996 – it revolves around its young and very hot F-type star in 3.3128 days. Another star in that system is a smaller red dwarf.

“We established that the emission is emitted by the planet itself. Based on the strength and polarization of the radio signal and the magnetic field of the planet, we conclude that the signal corresponds to the theoretical prediction,” said J. Turner.

If the astronomers’ measurement is not wrong, it shows that the planet’s magnetic field strength ranges from 5 to 11 gauss (for comparison, Jupiter has 4 to 13 gauss and magnetic field measurements have shown that the core of this planet consists of metallic hydrogen). The observed magnetic field emissions are also consistent with previous predictions.

“Monitoring the magnetic fields of Earth-like exoplanets can contribute to assessing their suitability for life – the magnetic field protects the planet’s atmosphere from solar winds and cosmic rays and prevents the planet from losing its atmosphere,” explained the head of the team of astronomers.

True, the signal recorded by the scientists was very weak, so it needs to be verified using other low-frequency radio telescopes to confirm that this report of the discovery was not written due to noise or other signals.

We cannot rule out that the source of this emission was planetary flares,” the authors of the study warned.

Other telescopes with similar parameters suitable for such observations are LOFAR-LBA and NenuFAR. If the scientists working with them also confirm that Mr. Turner was right, a whole field of new scientific research will open up, allowing us to take a closer look at distant planets and the possibility that they contain life.


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