Presidential Perspectives on UFOs: From Skepticism to Extraterrestrial Recognition

Back in the 1950s, at a press conference in Long Beach, Mr. Truman stated that “the homeland of flying saucers is not the United States or any other country on Earth, they are not a secret weapon of either the Americans or the Russians, and they were not created on Earth.” In 1954, at a press conference, D. Eisenhower said: “I do not believe that flying saucers come from some single planet, as General Tuainung recently claimed.”

President J.K. Kennedy said in the 1960s: “I have come to the conclusion that the separating saucers are really spaceships coming from other worlds.” General Marshall, former Secretary of the United States, also stated in 1951: “The United States government has determined that UFOs come from another planet.” Former Assistant Secretary of the US Air Force, Brian, claimed: “UFOs are piloted or remotely controlled vehicles from other planets.”

Classified Reports and the Birth of Extraterrestrial Hypotheses

Conclusions about the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs were first presented by Americans in 1948. in a secret report called “Situation Assessment”. This document was prepared by a group of Air Force employees engaged in UFO research within the framework of the “Sign” project. The report was submitted to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Ch. Vandenberg, however, after reading it, ordered its destruction. The public learned about the secret 1952 document about the “Majestic-12” operation, prepared by former CIA chief Admiral R. Chilenkoter and addressed to President D. Eisenhower, only in the 1990s. at the end That document states that the unidentified object that crashed in 1947 was not created by any Earth nation and that the dead crew members, although similar to humans, were biologically and evolutionarily different from humans. The authenticity of that document in 1993 was confirmed in writing by the Defense Investigative Service, the service responsible for the protection of military secrets.

The H. Robertson Commission: Endorsing the Extraterrestrial Explanation

In 1953 The H. Robertson Commission report also said that the only explanation for UFOs can be their extraterrestrial origin. In addition to the employees of the CIA’s scientific intelligence department, the commission also included Air Force generals and four scientists whose field of activity is also related to the military industry.

Advanced Alien Technology and Mysterious Objectives

Another secret document about “Majestic-12” was prepared in 1954. and called “Extraterrestrial beings and technologies. Instructions for detection, evacuation, storage and storage”. It says that it is not yet known for what purpose manned extraterrestrial flying machines have appeared on our planet. Alien technology is far more advanced than our science. Such conclusions can be drawn from a large amount of shipwrecks.

A US Air Force Academy textbook published in 1968 defines UFOs as extraterrestrial material objects with crews or remote control. And in 1997 reserved Colonel F. Korso, at Eisenhower for 4 years. worked in the National Security Council, and in the 1970s. In the Military Research and Development Section of the Foreign Technology Division of the Ministry of Defense, he wrote in his book “The Day After Roswell” that the US government never doubted the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs.

International Voices: High-Ranking Officials and UFO Recognition

In 1999 A group of distinguished scientists from Stanford University also stated that it has enough material about the appearance of other planets’ flying machines on Earth.

There are similar assertions made by high-ranking officials of other countries. The head of British aviation, Lord Dowding, back in 1957. wrote: “I am convinced that UFOs are not created by any earthly nation, and come from other planets.” in 1967 A secret document was sent to NATO heads of state, which taught the results of UFO activity on Earth. The research was carried out by a group of staff of the NATO General Staff. The document says that extraterrestrial civilizations have always actively studied our planet, as well as its inhabitants. Such activities are possible only with high technology. In the same year, the Chief of Staff of Japan’s Anti-Aircraft Defense, General Ichikawa, stated that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, and indeed, large ships are intended for interplanetary flights, while small ones are for reconnaissance of our Earth.

In 1999 France’s National Defense Research Institute, which includes 4 army generals, one admiral, and the head of the national police. commissioner, former commander of tactical aviation, and former head of the National Space Research Center submitted to President J. Chirac and Prime Minister L. Jospen issued an in-depth report “UFOs and defense: what we must prepare for”, which says that the existence of intelligent beings, UFOs, has been practically proven and the hypothesis of their extraterrestrial origin is the most likely. in 2000 Former British Chief of Defense Staff Admiral Lord Hill Norton wrote that he fully agreed with the French Institute’s findings.

In Russia in 1991 in a report under the secret “Gija-3,” it was noted that a large number of UFOs were observed, which probably contained inhabitants of other planets or parallel worlds.

The Vatican’s Interest: A Theologian’s Affirmation of Contact

Even the Vatican has a special commission to investigate contact with aliens. in 2000 its member, theologian Corrado Balducci, stated that contact with aliens is quite real. He, after studying reports from missions in Mexico, Chile, Venezuela and elsewhere, announced on TV that contacts with extraterrestrials are not hallucinations, the result of mental disorders or deception of the contactee.

And what do you think, is there a chance that we might witness an alien invasion of Earth sometime in the future?



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